"First Lady" of the Swift Association
GC-1B Swift, SN 2161
Airframe <2550 TT/NDH
Continental C-145 Engine, SN 7839-D-3-2, <2550 TT/<1100 SMOH
McCauley Propeller 1A170DM7360, SN P73718, 33 SMOH
Alturair 9 Gallon Auxiliary Fuel Belly Tanks (36 Gallon total)
Merlyn 1835 lb. Gross Weight Kit (SA382NW ready to be installed)
Offered with a fresh annual
- more details here -
Swift Foundation Members and experienced Swift pilots discount available
Contact Dave (803) 43Nine-Nine544
Text is best - or leave a message - I'll be happy to call you back
"First Lady" of the Swift Association
GC-1B Swift, SN 2161
Airframe <2550 TT/NDH
Continental C-145 Engine, SN 7839-D-3-2, <2550 TT/<1100 SMOH
McCauley Propeller 1A170DM7360, SN P73718, 33 SMOH
Alturair 9 Gallon Auxiliary Fuel Belly Tanks (36 Gallon total)
Merlyn 1835 lb. Gross Weight Kit (SA382NW ready to be installed)
Offered with a fresh annual
- more details here -
Swift Foundation Members and experienced Swift pilots discount available
Contact Dave (803) 43Nine-Nine544
Text is best - or leave a message - I'll be happy to call you back
Coming out of the hangar after 27 years
N78161, SN 2161 became airworthy in September 1946. She has accumulated <2,550 hours total-time-in-service, and was upgraded in 1960 from the factory 125 HP to 145 HP. N78161 is equipped with a six-cylinder Continental C-145 that has logged about 2,530 TT and has 1,065 hours SMOH - without leaks, and has good compressions. When she came out of mothballs in 2021 we had an extensive annual done and she was flown one time to a new hangar where she sits now - @KAIK, Aiken South Carolina. The panel is ready for an upgrade (no modern avionics or ADS-B installed - some older Nav/Comms, GPS, and Transponders available - more details Here). N78161 is equipped with upgraded main-gear and P-51 style gear doors, and all engine/aircraft instruments work: Altimeter, Airspeed, Vertical Speed, Turn Coordinator, Attitude-Indicator, Directional Gyro, Suction Gage, Compass, Engine RPMs, Manifold Pressure, Oil Pressure, Oil Temperature, Exhaust Gas Temperature, Cylinder Head Temperature, Amp Meter, Fuel Pressure, G-Meter (yes she can do aerobatics)...etc.
Sale includes complete Logs beginning with the first test flight on September 21st, 1946 at 9:30 AM, by pilot R.L Fehring. N78161 has always been kept in dry country and was stored in the same South Carolina hangar from 1975 to 2021 (46 years), and has been hangared since. A fresh annual will be provided upon sale.
N78161 is affectionately dubbed the Swift Association's "First Lady." as she was owned and flown by Founder Charlie Nelson at the Association's inception - October 1968. Charlie was on his way back from EAA Rockford (forerunner to OshKosh) in this Swift when he formulated his plan to start a news letter - later the Swift Association, and what is now the Swift Museum Foundation. (The First Fifty Years of The Swift, by the Swift Museum Foundation , Inc. 1995: page 41, page 42, page 178)
As you may have gathered by now, we are not just selling an airplane. We are looking for a caretaker who wants to connect with the history of a very cool war-era classic, and a centerpiece of the Globe Swift family.
Qualified caretaker? Serious offers entertained. Call Dave at (803) 43nine-nine544 (text is best...I'll call back :)
Please, no tire kickers.
Sale includes complete Logs beginning with the first test flight on September 21st, 1946 at 9:30 AM, by pilot R.L Fehring. N78161 has always been kept in dry country and was stored in the same South Carolina hangar from 1975 to 2021 (46 years), and has been hangared since. A fresh annual will be provided upon sale.
N78161 is affectionately dubbed the Swift Association's "First Lady." as she was owned and flown by Founder Charlie Nelson at the Association's inception - October 1968. Charlie was on his way back from EAA Rockford (forerunner to OshKosh) in this Swift when he formulated his plan to start a news letter - later the Swift Association, and what is now the Swift Museum Foundation. (The First Fifty Years of The Swift, by the Swift Museum Foundation , Inc. 1995: page 41, page 42, page 178)
As you may have gathered by now, we are not just selling an airplane. We are looking for a caretaker who wants to connect with the history of a very cool war-era classic, and a centerpiece of the Globe Swift family.
Qualified caretaker? Serious offers entertained. Call Dave at (803) 43nine-nine544 (text is best...I'll call back :)
Please, no tire kickers.
Learn more about flying the Swift
Non-corrosive home-based for 78 years (this shows every owner's registered location since factory new)
Very clean and original airframe
Has not been properly polished in 30 year
N78161 Taking off for the first flight after 27 years - video link
N78161 Gear cycling - video link (Yes, we have the polished hubcaps - off for Annual Inspection)
Cold Start video link
Run Up video link
Links - learn more about these amazing birds
- the following images are linked -